7 Notes You Should Write to Your Children | All Pro Dad
Source: 7 Notes You Should Write to Your Children | All Pro Dad
Source: 7 Notes You Should Write to Your Children | All Pro Dad
New Physical Activity Guidelines Urge Americans: Move More, Sit Less November 12, 20188:02 AM ET Heard on All Things Considered Getting physical activity every day can help maintain health throughout your life. Ronnie Kaufman/Larry Hirshowitz/Getty Images/Blend Images You’ve likely heard the idea that sitting is the new smoking. Compared with 1960, […]
We can learn something from them. Source: This is why happy couples don’t talk about their relationships on social media
Paying for therapy is an odd thing. Some struggle with the idea that therapists care only because we are paid to care. While it is true that paying for therapy is a necessary evil, it does not mean that the relationship we build or the care you receive is not […]
Source: She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink | Must Be This Tall To Ride
If you had a crystal ball to see what you’d regret as you were dying, would you make changes now? Source: Here are 5 things you may regret at the end of your life, from a nurse who works with the dying.
Source: You Are Enough. – Chastity
22 Habits That Will Make Your Life a Little More Peaceful Each Day | Brianna Wiest.
The Ultimate Guide To Realistic Minimalism What You Need, What You Don’t, And How To Break The Cycle Of Wanting | Soul Anatomy.
Is your satnav harming your brain? Scientists warn over-use of modern technology may be linked to memory loss and depression in later life | Daily Mail Online.
READ this article! Its SHORT! Will take 2 minutes, 3 tops! This is the BEST article I have read on this topic so far. Lets stop fooling ourselves people! “Society pays a price when we teach men to be turned on by women in pain.” Women digging S&M is a […]
How bad is booze anyway? 6 crazy facts about drinking – CNN.com.
Click on the link below… http://www.faithit.com/an-open-letter-to-the-dad-looking-at-porn/#.VI_AD8miK_U.facebook We have to admit to ourselves that the lie “I’m not hurting anyone by looking at porn,” couldn’t be further from the truth.
Even I still get this one wrong sometimes. But guys,.. trust me, its worth learning. It doesn’t have to make sense to us. Its just safer for everyone if we follow this guys lead ; ) Call me with any questions ; ) Take care! – Jake
Hey Everyone! I rock at therapy, but did you know I rock pumpkins too? (Click on the pictures for a crisper image). Enjoy!! – Jake Voelker MA, LMFT 2008: Palin Pumpkin 2009: Brett Favre 2010: Buddy Christ (From the movie Dogma) 2011: […]
Check out this quick, excellent video about what Sue Johnson, a titan in her field, has to say about sex. A Therapist Explains Why You Need Sex It’s Not What You Think!.
Well, I am back from Texas and am PUMPED to start utilizing EMDR!! It is truly AMAZING that this technique has done for thousands of clients, starting in the 1980s! It is empirically validated and even endorsed by the VA as a technique that is proven to resolve PTSD in […]
Hey Everyone! I’m excited to let you all know that I will be attending conferences in Texas this coming April and August to become certified in EMDR! You might not know what EMDR is, and it might sound odd at first, but let me tell you…. this skill changes lives! […]
10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday | Spirit Science and Metaphysics.
Beyond Trauma and Attachment Inc. :: An Adoptee’s Perspective: 10 Things Adoptive Parents Should Know.
I was intrigued by this article not only for its case for meditation, but also for the many links it has to useful scientific journals and peer reviewed articles on many other topics of interest such as how to increase our positive emotions, decrease depression and anxiety, improve self control, […]
Sexiness. Who wants it? Well, Ashton Kutcher blew my mind the other day when he talked about what he thinks it is to be sexy. I previously would have thought that to him, sexiness would have meant you had to have dashing good looks, perfect hair, sexy things to say […]
Everyone is under more stress than ever these days. When you are extra stressed, it is all the more important that you take care of yourself. I know its hard because you are already crunched for time and you’re late for that one thing… but take a few minutes for yourself, and […]