10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday | Spirit Science and Metaphysics.
10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday | Spirit Science and Metaphysics.
Worsening U.S. Divorce Rate Points to Improving Economy – Bloomberg.
We all deal with it, but are you dealing with your stress in a way that is beneficial to your health? Heres a quick refresher of healthy ways to deal with your stress: The Six Best-Kept Secrets About Stress Enjoy!
Plan Ahead On Loving Your Wife “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” ~ Albert Einstein I often find myself thinking about all the sweet things I could have don’t for my wife on the day of special events like anniversaries, birthdays, ect. Why is […]
Beyond Trauma and Attachment Inc. :: An Adoptee’s Perspective: 10 Things Adoptive Parents Should Know.
Hilarious and inspiring. Check it out: While Their Kids Sleep, These parents Pull Of This Amazing Stunt…
20 Ways to Keep Toddlers Busy.
There are plenty of resources out there for recovering from addictions to pornography and masturbation. I get the feeling that these sites are built either to promote religious beliefs, or a particular therapists book store. There is one site that I’ve found however to be written out of a […]
Men are idiots, what else can I say? We do not fully appreciate the total gift that women are to us and to the world. See the link: Powerful Ads Use Real Google Searches to Show the Scope of Sexism Worldwide | Adweek. Reading this ad, I’m tempted to generalize […]
When I think about pornography, I get excited! My heart starts racing, I breathe faster, my pulse pounds, and I get angry. I’m angry because it seems I’m just waking up to the reality of how rampant pornography is in our culture, and how sneaky it is at slowly chipping […]
5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM
“Go big or go home” used to be the motto of many of my college buddies back in the day. Its an exciting motto. A tough challenge to live up to the aspirations inside of you in a big way, or forget them all together. Of course if you had […]
I was intrigued by this article not only for its case for meditation, but also for the many links it has to useful scientific journals and peer reviewed articles on many other topics of interest such as how to increase our positive emotions, decrease depression and anxiety, improve self control, […]
For all the great research therapists learn about regarding marriage including communication styles, effects of kids, factors of happiness and longevity, etc. its really good to just hear the facts from a guy who has been there and can put it into the plainest and simplest words. This guy was […]
Sexiness. Who wants it? Well, Ashton Kutcher blew my mind the other day when he talked about what he thinks it is to be sexy. I previously would have thought that to him, sexiness would have meant you had to have dashing good looks, perfect hair, sexy things to say […]